"The San Bernardino Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help!"
"Fight Your Ticket!" Call Now: (760) 326-5200Failure to Appear Warrants (FTA)
The very next time you are pulled over, you are GOING TO JAIL…
For many traffic violations, once you are cited you are required to sign your ticket. Signing it does not mean you are agreeing that your are guilty of the charges listed on the citation. However, it does mean that you are promising to appear in a court by a certain day and time.
You may plead guilty and pay your fine, in which case there is no need to appear in the court. But if you plead not guilty, or take no action such as sending in the bail amount requested by the citation, you should appear in court.
It is very important to keep that date on your to-do-list and not to forget about it. Make all effort to follow-through and appear in court. If for any reason you forget to do so or be in court on a wrong day or time, or the notice from DOL gets lost in mail, you have Failed To Appear in court. Failure to appear in court in California, for any reason, results in a California FTA Warrant issued in your name.
The very next time you might be pulled over – have a change of clothes with you – as you are going to jail.
Clearing an FTA Warrant from the court and from your DOL record is a lengthy and involved procedure.
Other Life-Long Problems from FTA Record
FTA’s are considered misdemeanors. These warrants will appear on any background check. The outstanding FTA warrant will remain on your record for 5+ years. If you have a California FTA Warrant on your record, you won’t be able to find a good job, you won’t be eligible for many state and federal loans, student loans, and state aid, if ever necessary, would be denied. Once your auto insurance company finds out about the warrant as they periodically run your record-check, your insurance rates are going to rise dramatically. In many cases, your insurance will simply be canceled.
Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
We attempt to connect you with an Attorney up to 10 PM ~ 7 Days a Week!

"The San Bernardino Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help!"
"Fight Your Ticket!" Contact Page & Map to Office& Surrounding Southern California Communities
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J. Brian Campbell
Attorney at Law
1406 Bailey Avenue, Ste G
Needles, CA 92363
(760) 326-5200
J. Brian Campbell
Attorney at Law
1706 Plum Lane - Suite 127
Redlands, CA 92374
(760) 326-5200